You feel it in every cell of your body....'s time to choose yourself and take a good look at yourself in the mirror. You're ready. Ready to break through your own limiting beliefs. Ready to let go of your insecurities. Because they no longer belong to you at all, do they? And those dreams that you have neatly filed away? It's time to make them happen. You long to live your life in flow. With trust in yourself and the world around you. A life that feels free and light. Like that first day of spring when you can finally take off that heavy, warm winter coat and feel the spring sun on your skin.
It is time for personal leadership.
Sounds familiar? You've come to the right place
It is my mission to support as many people as possible on their path to personal leadership. By working on a powerful, inner foundation. I do this by working with you on your subconscious. 95% of our actions come from our subconscious. The subconscious is the place where unprocessed emotions, patterns and limiting beliefs are stored. A very important place! And that is exactly why I help people become aware of what is going on subconsciously.
"Judith heeft een bepaalde rust over zich waardoor je je gelijk op je gemak voelt en jezelf makkelijk openstelt voor haar adviezen en therapiesessies. Haar fijne energie heeft een ontwapenend effect. Na de hypnose sessie voelde het gelijk alsof er een last van mijn schouders was gevallen, en dat in combinatie met de audio sessies heeft er absoluut voor gezorgd dat ik nu heel anders en veel positiever in het leven sta. Bedankt daarvo0r!"
“Judith is een open, rustige en no-nonsense coach. Je voelt je meteen op je gemak bij haar en ze begeleidt je heel fijn en nuchter door de sessie heen."

Two methods: east meets west
Detecting and releasing subconscious blockages can be done in different ways. I use two recognized methods: Hypnosis (Rapid Transformational Therapy) and NEI (Neuro Emotional Integration) . Both methods have in common that no long conversations are needed to get to the core because you work with the subconscious. One with hypnosis as a 'tool', the other with the biotensor. One a bit more western, the other a bit more oriental. The difference is that hypnotherapy goes one step further: it actively stimulates behavioral change by implementing new thoughts in your brain and thus creating new neuro pathways.
I use both methods intuitively and discuss with you which method is most suitable.

Populaire trajecten
Ontdek mijn meest gekozen trajecten, zorgvuldig ontworpen voor maximale impact. Geen mens is hetzelfde, daarom maak ik met liefde een traject op maat dat volledig aansluit bij jouw behoeftes en doelen.
Transformation Program
6 weeks
Discover your subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs in hypnosis with Rapid Transformational Therapy .
Hypnotherapy session of approximately 2 hours: gain insight, get rid of old patterns.
30 days of personal hypnosis audio: program new thoughts into your brain.
Various coach calls.
Possibility to ask questions via WhatsApp for 6 weeks.
Live or online.
A free online call is always possible!
excl. VAT
Transformation Program
6 weeks
Discover your subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs in hypnosis with Rapid Transformational Therapy .
Hypnotherapy session of approximately 2 hours: gain insight, get rid of old patterns.
30 days of personal hypnosis audio: program new thoughts into your brain.
Various coach calls.
Possibility to ask questions via WhatsApp for 6 weeks.
Live or online.
A free online call is always possible!
excl. VAT
(Only in Dutch)
Let your business flourish by growing yourself! Your company cannot grow bigger than you.
This is what you get:
2 coach calls.
Hypnotherapy program + personal hypnosis audio.
3 NEI sessions.
4 months possibility to ask questions via WhatsApp.
100% personal attention for you and your challenges.
Bonus: 3 power assignments to get to know yourself even better
(you can do it on your own time).
A free online call and non-binding introduction is always possible!
€ 1700
excl. VAT

I can help you if...
you feel that there is more to life;
it is finally time to choose yourself;
you no longer want to put your dreams on hold;
you want to choose flow and effortlessness instead of stress;
you want to be able to rely completely on yourself;
you want to let your business flow;
you want to live or do business more freely and lighter without limiting beliefs;
you want to choose trust.
Personal leadership. Sounds good, but what is it exactly?
You create personal leadership by taking full responsibility for your own life. By working on limiting beliefs that get in your way. By looking at patterns and blockages and deciding that you no longer have to believe the conclusions you drew as a child about yourself and the world around you. This is how you create that powerful, rock-solid foundation that you can lean on.
From that rock-solid foundation you can feel confidence in yourself, the people around you and life. You can start living a life in flow, so that life can start working for you and your creativity can start flowing. You can get closer to yourself and ask yourself: what is it that I want?
And to end this story very practically (because yes, that's me! ): personal leadership arises when you courageously and determinedly clean up your sh*t and and take a good look at everything that stops you from living fully on your terms. Are you ready?
Ervaar laagdrempelig hypnose
Benieuwd naar hypnose en hoe het voor je kan werken? Ik heb een krachtige, motiverende zelfhypnose gemaakt waarin je je focust op jouw droomtoekomst. Geen zweverig gedoe, maar een krachtige oefening voor je brein. En een goede manier om laagdrempelig hypnose te ervaren en te ontdekken! ​​​

Echte verhalen, echte verandering
"I came to Judith through a referral from my physio. At first I was a little afraid of what exactly it would entail, but she managed to remove all fears during the intake and I immediately made an appointment with her.
The hypnosis was very relaxing and in a casual way she knows how to keep you relaxed and focused. It has helped me beyond expectations and I am very happy that I dared to take the step.
I would recommend anyone who has doubts to schedule an intake and experience for themselves what a skilled, loving and wonderful woman Judith is."
“As a coach, Judith is friendly, gentle and decisive. It is easy to surrender to her and be surprised where this special journey takes you. I can highly recommend a session with Judith!"
“Judith's hypnosis session helped me to come to terms with a theme in my life and, as a bonus, resolved a chronic abdominal pain complaint. It's special to see that this can be done in such a short time!"
Hi, I'm Judith
Hi, I'm Judith. As you can see, everything here is about personal leadership and building that inner foundation. Because that is what I wish for you.
As a coach I work with the subconscious. I still find it fascinating that we try to solve everything with our conscious brain, while 95% of our actions come from our subconscious brain. The subconscious is a very important place, because it is where our unprocessed emotions, patterns and limiting beliefs are stored. I would like to help you to release old stories and break through your own patterns.

Personal leadership. Sounds good, but what is it exactly?
You create personal leadership by taking full responsibility for your own life. By working on limiting beliefs that get in your way. By looking at patterns and blockages and deciding that you no longer have to believe the conclusions you drew as a child about yourself and the world around you. This is how you create that powerful, rock-solid foundation that you can lean on.
From that rock-solid foundation you can feel confidence in yourself, the people around you and life. You can start living a life in flow, so that life can start working for you and your creativity can start flowing. You can get closer to yourself and ask yourself: what is it that I want?
And to end this story very practically (because yes, that's me! ): personal leadership arises when you courageously and determinedly clean up your sh*t and and take a good look at everything that stops you from living fully on your terms. Are you ready?