You feel it in every fiber of your body....'s time to choose yourself and look at yourself in the mirror. You're ready. Ready to break through your own limiting beliefs. Ready to let go of your insecurities. Because they no longer belong to you at all, do they? And those dreams that you have neatly filed away? It's time to take them out of the refrigerator. You long for a life of trust, in flow. Trust in yourself and the world around you. A light and free life. Like that first day of spring when you can finally take off that heavy, warm winter coat and feel the spring sun on your skin.
It is time for inner leadership .
Ease and flow in your career
Business Hypnotherapy can be used for more ease and flow in your career. Whether you are employed or having your own business; Business Hypnotherapy is for everyone who want to feel more free in the workplace. I specialize in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT). A combination of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, NLP and cognitive behavioral therapy.
The name says it all: with RTT Hypnotherapy you quickly achieve a powerful, transformative result. RTT Hypnotherapy can help you find the root cause of why you do what you do, think what you think and feel what you feel. By shifting the neural pathways of your brain, RTT Hypnotherapy replaces old beliefs with new, positive beliefs.
“Judith is an open, calm and no-nonsense coach. You immediately feel at ease with her and she guides you through the session in a very pleasant and down-to-earth manner."
“Judith helped me to put things into perspective and understand in a very pleasant and safe environment. It's special to be able to face a theme in your life in such a short time."
Hi, I'm Judith
Hi, I'm Judith, coach in The Hague. As you can see, everything here is about freer and lighter living and entrepreneurship. Because that is what I wish you. I grant you inner leadership.
As a coach I work with the subconscious. I still find it fascinating that we try to solve everything with our conscious brain, while 95% of our actions come from our subconscious brain. The subconscious is a very important place, because it is where our unprocessed emotions, patterns and limiting beliefs are stored. I would like to help you find what is getting in your way in this subconscious.

Coaching for inner leadership. What exactly is that?
Innerlijk leiderschap creëer je door volledig verantwoordelijkheid te nemen voor je eigen leven. Door aan de slag te gaan met belemmerende overtuigingen die je in de weg zitten. Door patronen en blokkades aan te kijken en te besluiten dat je de conclusies die je als kind hebt getrokken over jezelf en de wereld om je heen niet langer hoeft te geloven. Zo creëer je die krachtige, ijzersterke basis waar je op kunt leunen.
Vanuit die ijzersterke basis kun je vertrouwen voelen in jezelf, de mensen om je heen en het leven. Je kunt een leven gaan leiden in flow, zodat het het leven voor jou kan gaan werken en je creativiteit kan gaan stromen, Je kunt dichter bij jezelf komen en voelen: wat wil IK?
En om dit verhaal heel praktisch te eindigen (want ja, dat ben ik ook): innerlijk leiderschap ontstaat wanneer je moedig en vastberaden je sh*t opruimt en korte metten maakt met alles wat je tegenhoudt om voluit te leven volgens jouw voorwaarden.
Het resultaat? Een vrijer, lichter gevoel in je lichaam. Vrijere en lichtere gedachtes.. Ben je er klaar voor?

I can help you with...
I can help you if...
Sleeping problems
(Chronic) stress
Weight loss
Unlearning certain behaviors or habits
Letting go of limiting beliefs and insecurities
Low self-esteem
Childhood problems
Fear of flying
Fear of speaking
Why RTT Hypnotherapy?
I'll tell it in 43 seconds
Ease and flow in your career
Business Hypnotherapy can be used for more ease and flow in your career. Whether you are employed or having your own business; Business Hypnotherapy is for everyone who want to feel more free in the workplace. I specialize in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT). A combination of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, NLP and cognitive behavioral therapy.
The name says it all: with RTT Hypnotherapy you quickly achieve a powerful, transformative result. RTT Hypnotherapy can help you find the root cause of why you do what you do, think what you think and feel what you feel. By shifting the neural pathways of your brain, RTT Hypnotherapy replaces old beliefs with new, positive beliefs.
Top 5 FAQ RTT Hypnotherapy
1. What does it feel like when you are in hypnosis?
When you are in hypnosis, you feel very relaxed and relaxed. You can compare it with a deep form of meditation. It is important to mention that you should not wait until something special happens. It doesn't feel like you're 'away'. You're just very relaxed. And because you are so relaxed, your unconscious mind can come to the fore. We are so busy during the day that we are mainly concerned with our consciousness. Yet there are times during the day when your unconscious comes to the fore, for example when you take a relaxing bath, a nice shower or walk in nature. These are often also the moments when you get an inspiration or a good idea.
2. Can you make me do something I don't want to do during a hypnosis session?
I can be brief about this: I absolutely cannot make you do anything you don't want to do. You remain in control and completely retain your own will. This way I can't make you tell me something you don't want and you can just tell me if you don't agree with something. In short: we are just in dialogue!
3. Can anything go 'wrong' in hypnosis?
Nothing can go wrong in hypnosis. This is because hypnosis is a very relaxed and natural state of being. Finding your body and mind in hypnosis is therefore very normal. You can always take yourself out of hypnosis by opening your eyes.
4. What if I go back to scenes that are painful or sad?
Of course, you can always go back to a painful scene from your youth. But, it's good to know that you're not reliving memories. It rather feels like you are viewing the memories from a distance. Moreover, I will remind you that it already happened and it is safe to view the memory.
5. How many sessions of hypnosis coaching do I need?
That is very personal and depends on the issue we are working on. Customers often notice great results after 1 session, but if the problem is more deeply rooted, 2 or 3 sessions may be needed. It is also possible that we encounter another related issue during the first session. Then it is certainly a good idea to also work on this issue in another hypnosis session.